Use "impoundment|impoundments" in a sentence

1. Non-aerated Impoundment Chemical Plant Wastewater System:

2. The tailings ponds are the largest toxic impoundments on the planet.

3. That's creating the largest toxic impoundments in the history of the planet.

4. Alewife and blueback can spend their entire life in freshwater, with reproducing populations established in impoundments

5. This can include a tailings dam (impoundment and pond), decant structures and spillways.

6. The reservoir impoundment will change the geologic environment and bring about environment problem.

7. This is particularly important on " flashy " river where no impoundment is provided.

8. All of these watersheds have impoundments, and are subject to extensive agricultural drainage (open and tile drains).

9. After the impoundment of Xiaolangdi Reservoir, the water of small coal mines threatened an Coal Mine.

10. (a) all services providing abstraction, impoundment, distribution and treatment of surface water or groundwater;

11. This Bumping River impoundment offers good fishing for 6- to 9-inch kokanee starting in mid-May

12. Contributing factors include acid rock drainage, subsidence, open shafts, tailings impoundment failures, old buildings and waste dumps.

13. The observation results confirm that the maximum gravity change is still in Xiangxi segment after second impoundment.

14. Seepage is found at downstream dam surface and inside corridor after RCC dam impoundment at a power station.

15. This paper presents the high precise gravity survey and primary results before and after the impoundment in the Three Gorges reservoir.

16. Conventional lime treatment is carried out on a year round basis at four adits as well as in the tailings impoundment during spring freshet.

17. With the completion and impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, there would be enormous water body and dramatic changes in water level.

18. A magnitude-3 quake in India in 1967 that killed 200 people was caused by impoundment behind the country's Koyna Dam.

19. License Suspensions,­ Revocations,­ Impoundments ­and­ Confiscations A license suspension is the temporary removal of the valid license and driving privilege from a licensee

20. The stress and deformation of the dam and the concrete face slabs during construction and impoundment periods were presented in this paper.

21. Simultaneously, the scientific suggestions of increasing engineering facilities construction force, improving the impoundment injection system, using recycled water irrigation was put forward.

22. In the simulation, thermal and mechanical properties, concrete construction, pipe cooling, temperature variation of environment. crown filling and water impoundment orders are considered.

23. At a certain period of time, especially in the initial impoundment period, there is a good relationship between seismic activities and water levels.

24. This astronaut photograph features a large impoundment area (image center) containing light tan and gray waste materials ("spoil") from of the Escondida mine complex.

25. (41) For water quantity, overall principles should be laid down for control on abstraction and impoundment in order to ensure the environmental sustainability of the affected water systems.

26. A series of issues of environmental engineering geology will be brought about in impoundment of Xiaolangdireservoir that will break the natural balance state in the area.

27. For water quantity, overall principles should be laid down for control on abstraction and impoundment in order to ensure the environmental sustainability of the affected water systems

28. Earthquakes induced by engineering activities as reservoir impoundment, fluid withdrawal and injection and mining have been found and have caused losses of life and property in China.

29. The tar sands consume more water than any other oil process, three to five barrels of water are taken, polluted and then returned into tailings ponds, the largest toxic impoundments on the planet.

30. For water quantity, overall principles should be laid down for control on abstraction and impoundment in order to ensure the environmental sustainability of the affected water systems.

31. The kinds and the characters of concentration of Fenggang county are stated, the computational method of impoundment engineering volume and catchment area of a family for 4 people is given.

32. (37) for water quantity, overall principles should be laid down for control on abstraction and impoundment in order to ensure the environmental sustainability of the affected water systems;

33. The Remote Sensing Imagings before and after the Impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (Initial Water Level 135 Meters above the Wusong Reference Point at Yangtze River's Estuary).

34. Following President Nixon's repeated attacks on our nation's separation of powers, Congressed passed the Congressional Budget & Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (ICA) to establish the Budget Committee & reassert Congress’s constitutional power of the purse.

35. The computation results show that each interface of both the upstream and downstream rock-fill sections and between the core and the concrete partly splits at the top before and after the impoundment.

36. Evidently three distinct stages of geochemical and trophic development are represented, the sequence of stages being tentatively generalized as follows for reservoirs of this region: (1) soon after impoundment, rapid leaching of nutrients from submerged land causes a brief rise in productivity and aberrantly high levels of dissolved low molecular weight phosphorus and nitrogen in the backwaters; (2) subsequently, a "pulse" of soil humic matter released more gradually into the backwaters depresses productivity by fixation of minor elements such as iron, even if the dissolved phosphorus levels are high; (3) finally, a steady state is restored when this anomalous accumulation of humic matter is removed from the water column by sedimentation or flushing, allowing productivity to return to higher levels.